最近的基因研究表明,現代人類在東亞的人口, 比來自南方的單一起源更為複雜,通過北方路線的遺傳貢獻可能相當大。人類白細胞抗原基因的計算模擬, 支持東亞人口定居的兩種主要途徑。
Recent genetic studies have suggested that the population of East Asia by modern humans was more complex than a single origin from the South, and that a genetic contribution via a Northern route was probably quite substantial. Computer simulation of human leukocyte antigen genes supports two main routes of colonization by human populations in East Asia.
Population genomic studies have studied into the origin and formation of modern East Asians. Ancestors of East Asians split from other human populations between 70,000 to 50,000 years ago. Possible routes into East Asia by the ancestors of East Asian-related populations include a northern route model from Central Asia, and a southern route model from Southeast Asia. A third route into Northern Siberia was used by a distinct population, represented by the Ancient North Eurasians (古北歐亞人, see below post), which however did not contribute ancestry to modern East Asians. These Ancient North Eurasians however received significant geneflow of an early East Asian-related population, contributing about 22% ancestry towards the ANE, samplified by Mal'ta–Buret' 1 sample.
Fig. (1): Possible route(s) of modern human migrations towards East Asia according to different hypotheses proposed by geneticists (“pincer” or “overlapping” model: both the northern and the southern routes; “southern origin” model: only the southern route), along with representative archaeological sites during the critical period (100,000– 20,000 BP), knowing that the shallow parts of the sea (light gray/blue on the map) were postulated as land area with the lower sea level of last ice age (Sun et al. 2000). References for the archaeological sites: Mal’ta: Vasil’ev (1993); Upper Cave: Chen et al. (1989); Tianyuan Cave: Shang et al. (2007); Huanglong Cave: Wu et al. (2006); Liujiang: Shen et al. (2002); Callao Cave: Mijares et al. (2010).
Figure (2): 人類白細胞抗原基因的計算 Computer simulation of human leukocyte antigen genes supports two main routes of colonization by human populations in East Asia (2015): Topographic map of East Asia showing hypothesized modern human migration routes and suggested barriers. Triangles indicate representative Upper Paleolithic archeological sites with human remains: a. Mal’ta; b. Afontova Gora-2; c. Upper Cave; d. Tianyuan Cave; e. Liujiang; f. Chochen; g. Minatogawa; h. Niah Cave and points indicate modern populations samples for HLA−A, −B, −DRB1 loci: 1. Tuvinians; 2. Oold; 3. Khalkha; 4. Mongolians; 5. Liaoning Han; 6. Shanxi Han; 7. Shandong Han; 8. Xi’an Han; 9. Henan Han; 10. Anhui Han; 11. Hubei Han; 12. Zhejiang Han; 13. Hunan Han; 14. Jiangxi Han; 15. Fujian Han; 16. Maonan; 17. Guangdong Han; 18. Zhuang; 19. Muong.
Modern Northeast Asians consist mostly of the "Northern East Asian" component which has a continuity in Northeast Asia since at least 44,000 BC, and expanded massively with millet cultivation. Modern Southeast Asians consist mostly of the "Southern East Asian" component, which is associated with the spread of rice cultivation. Modern East Asians are positioned in between these two distinct, but closely related lineages.
Figure (3): Proposed migration routes of East-Eurasian paternal haplogroups (C, D, N, O, and Q), during the peopling of East Asia according to the "Northern Route Model". For "Southern Route Model" see earlier post: 早期人類沿海遷徙 Early Human Coastal Migrations.
Understanding of human migration history for better harmonious society.
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Nov 12, 2021
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阿爾泰語系的起源和傳播 Origin and Spread of Altaic Languages 2021
古北歐亞人 Ancient North Eurasians (Ghost population)
早期人類沿海遷徙 Early Human Coastal Migrations (updated 2022)
現代東亞人的起源與形成 Origin and formation of modern East Asians
單倍羣 Haplogroup CT 2022-2-14
基因檢測: 祖源分析,製造"太陽的後裔"? DNA: Ancestry,Descendants of the sun
各方言區漢族的父系祖先 Paternal Ancestors of Chinese of Different Dialects
6千年前有3人是四成多華裔的祖先 Three neolithic men are 40% Chinese ancestors
基因和基因表現 Genetics & Epigenetics
常染色體遺傳: 耳垢、初乳、狐臭、狐狸精 Autosomal: earwax, colostrum & body odor etc.
匈奴、孔子、曹操的基因 Genes of Hunnu, Confucius & Emperor Cao
走入川西民族走廊, 尋找東女國 Ethnic Corridor of West Sichuan, Ancient female nation; 青藏高原東緣的族群 Ethnic groups in eastern Tibetan Plateau
人類的單倍羣、遷徙、歷史 Human's haplogroups, migration & history
走出伊甸園, 羊的傳人 Out of Eden, Shepherd Linkage; 東亞民族單倍羣分佈 Haplogroup distribution in East Asia
東亞、東南亞的人類遷徙 Human migration in East & Southeast Asia; 走入藏區, 探秘東亞最古老的部族 East Asia's oldest tribe in Tibetan area
奇妙的人類旅程 - 中文視頻 Chinese video; Incredible Human Journey - English video 英文視頻 2011
Y染色體在全世界的譜系 World's Y-DNA haplogroup distribution 2008; 單倍羣 Haplogroup CT 2019-6-22
Time: Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny 為何你的基因不是命運的主宰 2010
Ancient History -Archeology & Legends 歷史文化、傳說故事、考古、傳世文獻: Beginning of China、商、周、秦
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阿爾泰語系的起源和傳播 Origin and Spread of Altaic Languages 2021
古北歐亞人 Ancient North Eurasians (Ghost population)
早期人類沿海遷徙 Early Human Coastal Migrations (updated 2022)
現代東亞人的起源與形成 Origin and formation of modern East Asians
單倍羣 Haplogroup CT 2022-2-14
基因檢測: 祖源分析,製造"太陽的後裔"? DNA: Ancestry,Descendants of the sun
各方言區漢族的父系祖先 Paternal Ancestors of Chinese of Different Dialects
6千年前有3人是四成多華裔的祖先 Three neolithic men are 40% Chinese ancestors
基因和基因表現 Genetics & Epigenetics
常染色體遺傳: 耳垢、初乳、狐臭、狐狸精 Autosomal: earwax, colostrum & body odor etc.
匈奴、孔子、曹操的基因 Genes of Hunnu, Confucius & Emperor Cao
走入川西民族走廊, 尋找東女國 Ethnic Corridor of West Sichuan, Ancient female nation; 青藏高原東緣的族群 Ethnic groups in eastern Tibetan Plateau
人類的單倍羣、遷徙、歷史 Human's haplogroups, migration & history
走出伊甸園, 羊的傳人 Out of Eden, Shepherd Linkage; 東亞民族單倍羣分佈 Haplogroup distribution in East Asia
東亞、東南亞的人類遷徙 Human migration in East & Southeast Asia; 走入藏區, 探秘東亞最古老的部族 East Asia's oldest tribe in Tibetan area
奇妙的人類旅程 - 中文視頻 Chinese video; Incredible Human Journey - English video 英文視頻 2011
Y染色體在全世界的譜系 World's Y-DNA haplogroup distribution 2008; 單倍羣 Haplogroup CT 2019-6-22
Time: Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny 為何你的基因不是命運的主宰 2010
Ancient History -Archeology & Legends 歷史文化、傳說故事、考古、傳世文獻: Beginning of China、商、周、秦
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